Facilitating and Actioning Conservation of Threatened Species Across the World.

We develop and manage collaborations linking together zoos and animal attractions, academia, conservationists and local communities in interdisciplinary sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise.

Zoo and Wildlife Conservation is a not-for-profit organisation focused on the conservation of threatened species and habitats.

Evidence for Decision Making.

Our partnerships help ensure that data, information and knowledge from the field is collected, analysed and communicated effectively and robustly so that it can contribute to conservation action. Zoo and Wildlife Conservation connects academic partners from multiple academic disciplines with our conservationists to develop evidence-based conservation outcomes.

Capacity Building

Zoo and Wildlife Conservation provides funding for post-graduate scholarships. Our projects pair a UK student with a local student so that not only do they develop their scientific knowledge and expertise, but cultural awareness and social development is gained. Our projects provide zoo professionals with the opportunity to gain experience of field conservation and to share their expertise on our ex-situ conservation activities. Our education projects inspire, inform, promote behavioural change and encourage engagement.

Community Conservation

We believe that by supporting and developing sustainable livelihoods for people we can achieve sustainable and protected wildlife populations. All of our projects engage with, support, employ and develop local people living and working in our focal habitats and alongside our focal species.

Conservation Action = Legislative Compliance

Why Partner through Zoo and Wildlife Conservation ?

We manage and facilitate your conservation work, effectively acting as your Conservation Officer – we ensure that your contribution is effective and delivers measurable and documented conservation outcomes. We manage the budgets, logistics and all the bookings (all you have to do is book and pay for your international flights). We provide your communication and reporting materials for visitor engagement, official reports, social media and press.

All of the work of Zoo and Wildlife Conservation is assessed against the criteria in the World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy, the EAZA Field Conservation Standards , the IUCN Redlist Actions and the Global Biodiversity Framework and we can provide a report demonstrating how you contribution delivers against these strategies.

Our funding comes from several sources, donations and fundraising, grant applications but most importantly from our zoo and animal attraction partners.

It is a requirement of the Zoo Licensing Act (1981) that all zoos must participate in conservation, education and research. By partnering with Zoo and Wildlife Conservation, even on our smaller projects, these requirements will be met. We will provide reports, educational materials, posters and deliver talks and presentations to explain your contribution to your staff and visitors.

We provide opportunities for zoo staff to share their experience whilst participating in our field conservation work, education programmes, ex situ conservation management activities or our veterinary programmes.

We also provide stand-alone student projects for those who are able to gain funds from other sources or can self-fund their field work