How Does it Work ?

Project Packages

Some of our projects are linked and rely on each other for funding or logistical components whereas many of our Conservation Projects are standalone and can be delivered for under £2000.

All of our partners will receive the following:

• A bespoke poster explaining the work that you have funded.
• Attendance by one of the Zoo and Wildlife Conservation Team at your facility for a presentation on the project – this can be a staff event, a workshop or an exclusive member event.
• A six-monthly report on the work of the project.
• Social media content and materials for you to promote the project and work.

Branded products to advertise and communicate our work together.

Conservation Scholarships:

Zoo and Wildlife Conservation Scholarships fund a UK post-graduate student and a local student to complete their studies. Dr Matt Hartley, Zoo and Wildlife Conservations Director, will co-supervise the students alongside their academic supervisor from their university. Zoo and Wildlife Conservation organise all the field logistics and the fund the field costs. The students are integrated into our field teams so are fully supported during their expedition.

Keeper Conservation Expeditions:

Keeper Conservation Expeditions fund zoo professionals to gain experience of field conservation. You will be integrated into our field research teams usually supporting our conservation scholars.

Ex Situ Conservation Projects:

We have a number of Ex Situ Conservation Projects working with rescued and rehabilitated animals. These projects include working as a keeper alongside in country staff, helping build enclosure improvements and enrichment equipment and provide training. We also have some larger capital projects that we are hoping to fund.

Veterinary Expeditions:

Veterinary Expeditions fund veterinary professions to provide their services to our projects. This may be working with free ranging wildlife or with our ex-situ conservation projects.

Education Expeditions:

Education Expeditions fund zoo professionals to participate in the education components of our projects. You will bring your experience and expertise to help organise and run school fun days, field study sessions, environmental residential schools and educational sessions in local schools.