
Lemur Conservation in Madagascar

Helpsimus mission is to protect the Greater Bamboo Lemur (Prolemur Simus) in Madagascar through the Bamboo Lemur Programme, which combines scientific monitoring of the species, protecting its habitat, supporting the development of nearby villages, and funding the education of local children. The project also monitors and studies three other lemur species, the red bellied lemur(), the Ranomafana bamboo lemur() and the Peyrieras’ woolly lemur ().

The project is based close to the National Park of Ranomafana but in an unprotected zone, located at the heart of the agricultural land of several villages inhabited by the largest wild population of Critically Endangered Greater Bamboo Lemurs. Helpsimus’ work is based around 3 main components: Environmental component Helpsimus identifies the priority conservation areas on the programme site, improving knowledge about the eco-ethology of the species and working on resolving human/lemur conflicts. Socio-Economic component: Helpsimus is improving the standard of living of the local populations by helping to secure the produce from their harvests and improving yields, developing new revenue generating activities, building infrastructure and means of communication, and implementing better hygiene practices to improve the health of the communities. Educational component: Helpsimus is improving awareness among local communities, and we are facilitating access to education for the children from villages located in the fokontany involved in the programme.


£6000 for 1 UK and 1 Malagasy Student


£6000 for 1 UK and 1 Malagasy Student


£6000 for 1 UK and 1 Malagasy Student


£6500 for 1 UK and 1 Malagasy Student


£6500 for 1 UK and 1 Malagasy Student


£2300 per Keeper for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£3500 per Keeper for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£2300 per Educator for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£4250 per Vet or Veterinary Nurse for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

Impact Madagascar

Impact Madagascar is a Malagasy non-profit organisation which works to protect and conserve Madagascar’s unique biodiversity while improving the lives of its people. It aims to implement permanent change through collaboration with local people, creating a foundation on which to build a better world.

Their integrative approach to biodiversity conservation and development is reflected in their range of projects; from ecological conservation to training and education, and from recycling to construction. Their goal is to create these projects alongside cities and villages, working with local populations to develop strategies which promote conservation and preservation within the parameters of daily life. Adding the sense of sustainability is crucial in order to help people living in harmony with nature for their entire life, and for future generations.

Zoo and Wildlife Conservation works with Impact Madagascar on two projects. One program is targeting the crowned sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) and the mongoose lemur and their habitat. This program is carried out in cooperation with local partners and, in addition to ecological research, Impact Madagascar has developed a community-based programme in local villages are provided with the knowledge and skills to protect their environment.

The second project is the use of surgical contraception as population management tool for brown lemurs (Eulemur sp.) introduced to the Berenty Reserve. This project includes assessment of habitat use, behaviour and distribution of the brown lemurs and the endangered ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) which share the habitat and resources.

Conservation Scholarships

Behaviour, reproduction, ecology and activity of Greater Bamboo lemur (Hapalenur simus) in Vohitrarivo

This study will use survey and behavioural ethogram techniques to study the ecology of the Greater Bamboo lemur at this site. Comparisons will be made between this population and others at different sites to better understand the impact of habitat differences on lemur populations.

Social, reproductive and activity behaviour of Red Bellied lemurs (Eulemur rubriventer).

This study will investigate the ecology of red bellied lemurs and investigate the ecology of this species and how it shares habitat and resources with Greater Bamboo lemurs that live in the same locations.

Surveys for Ranomafana Bamboo lemur in the 3 Helpsimus sites

This poorly studied subspecies of Eastern Bamboo lemur is observed in all three Helpsimus field sites but has not studied. This survey will indicate numbers of animals, group size and provide initial information on habitat use, distribution and behaviour to guide the development of future conservation actions.

Behavioural monitoring and habitat use of crowned sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) and mongoose lemurs (Eulemur mongoz).

The study will include population demography surveys and behavioural observations which will helps us to understand the ability of the sifaka and mongoose lemurs to cope with fragmented areas and how these two endangered species share the habitat and resources.

The impact of surgical contraception of introduced brown lemurs (Eulemur sp.) as a method of population management to address negative impacts of their introduction on endangered ring tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in the Berenty Reserve.

Introduced brown lemurs are causing negative impacts on the native and endangered ring-tailed lemurs in the reserve. By spaying the female brown lemurs, the population will reduce over time. The populations of both ring-tailed and brown lemurs will be monitored to understand the population dynamics and the shift in their distribution in the reserve.

Keeper Conservation Expeditions

Participation of zoo staff as research assistants in any of of our ecology based Madagascar Projects.

Surgical contraception of introduced brown lemurs (Eulemur sp.) as a method of population management to address negative impacts of their introduction on endangered ring tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in the Berenty Reserve.

You will work with a veterinary and conservation team to assist in the darting, transportation and welfare monitoring of brown lemurs during surgical spaying procedures which are being undertaken as a population management tool.

Please Note: This work is part of a larger project - a fully funded team needs to be in place for this work to go ahead.

Education Expeditions

Helpsimus residential education workshops.

Assist in running of residential educational workshops for local children held at the purpose built Helpsimus school promoting environmental protection, sustainable living and conservation actions in the context of their lives in rural Madagascar. The work will include educational trips to Ranomafana National Park and locally to see lemurs and other wildlife and to experience the wildlife themselves.

Veterinary Expeditions

Surgical contraception of introduced brown lemurs (Eulemur sp.) as a method of population management to address negative impacts of their introduction on endangered ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in the Berenty Reserve

You will work as part of a veterinary team undertaking surgical contraception (spaying) of female introduced lemurs which are being undertaken as a population management tool. The surgery will be undertaken in field conditions without gaseous anaesthesia.

Please Note: This work is part of a larger project - a fully funded team needs to be in place for this work to go ahead.

Please Note: All Costs are indicative because flights, accommodation and other cost fluctuate. All costs will be discussed and agreed with funders, participants and scholars.


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