West African Conservation Action

Protecting endangered primates in Ghana

Please Note: All Costs are indicative because flights, accommodation and other cost fluctuate. All costs will be discussed and agreed with funders, participants and scholars.

Conservation Scholarships

Primate Surveys in Ghana

Primate surveys for White-Naped Mangabey (), White Thighed Colobus () and Roloway Monkey (Cercopithecus roloway) in Ghana. The surveys combine camera traps, audio recording and transect surveys to collection data on primate presence, level of illegal activity and habitat quality. Surveys are February to May or September to November

Keeper Conservation Expeditions

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

Primate Surveys in Ghana

Join our field teams on primate surveys for White-Naped Mangabey, White Thighed Colobus and Roloway Monkey in Ghana. The surveys combine camera traps, audio recording and transect surveys to collection data on primate presence, level of illegal activity and habitat quality.

Education Expeditions

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

Education Trips

Lorem ipsum dolar…

Ex Situ Conservation Projects

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

De Brazza monkey Transportation and Guenon Workshop at Kumasi Zoo

In 2023, a female De Brazza monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus) was confiscated by Wildlife Division at the international border. This animal was transferred to the Kumasi Zoo as it could not be returned to a range country. Zoo and Wildlife Conservation have arranged for Kumasi Zoo to join the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria Ex-Situ Conservation Programme and so a male De Brazza monkey from Europe will be transported to Kumasi Zoo. The De Brazza monkeys will be a model species for the keepers to work with and gain expertise in guenon care as part of our work to with critically endangered Roloway monkey and other guenons found in Ghana. We are looking for funds to pay for the transport of the monkey from Europe to Ghana and for keepers to travel with the monkey and assist with the delivery of a guenon management workshop to be held at Kumasi Zoo which professional across West Africa would be invited to.

Support to Accra and Kumasi Zoos

Zoo professionals will travel to Ghana and work with the staff at Accra and Kumasi Zoos to assist in the care of the animals, provide training, share experiences and deliver welfare and management improvements.

Training for Ghanian Zoo Keepers in Europe

The keeping staff at Accra and Kumasi Zoos would benefit from a period of training and experience at European zoos. This would be combined with attendance at a suitable conference or workshop

Kumassi Zoo Primate Facility Development

WAPCA provides support to the Wildlife Division through staff training, husbandry and welfare advice to Kumasi Zoo. Kumasi Zoo receives primates confiscated by Wildlife Division during their enforcement work, to play a vital educational role to the zoo visitors. The current enclosures for primates require up grading which will allow the expansion of WAPCAs primate Ex-situ programmes. The enclosure design has been used with success in Ghana previously and allows for effective management of the animals in WAPCAs care. The locally available materials used mean that long-term maintenance and repair is achievable. WAPCA has a group of local experienced artisans available to use which may bring the costs down.

Ex Situ Conservation Studentships

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

We have a number of research projects focused on our ex-situ primates held at Accra and Kumasi Zoos. These projects could be suitable for zoo professionals undertaking vocational qualifications (such as the DMZA) or bachelor dissertations as well as post-graduate students.

These projects are also available to self-funding students.

Use of Space and Social Network in White-Naped Mangabey in a Forested Enclosure

Based in Kumasi Zoo, Ghana a population of mangabey living in a large semi-free forested enclosure will be studied to identify habitat use and social behaviour. Focal and scan sampling will be used alongside camera traps. This group is being studied as part of preliminary work investigating the feasibility of reintroduction.

Investigating Mangabey Vocalisation in a Forested Enclosure

Investigating the potential use of vocalisation recording and software analysis to identify behaviours and individuals of reintroduced mangabeys. Initial studies would be undertaken at Accra Zoo where mangabeys are housed in traditional zoo enclosures and Kumasi zoo in a large semi-free forested enclosure but then trials could be undertaken in the field with wild mangabeys.

Investigating the Behaviours of Patas Monkeys Following Confiscation from Wildlife Trade to Assess Suitability for Release

The use of ethograms and other assessment methodologies to determine the suitability of confiscated individuals for reintroduction. This would include social, feeding, avoidance and anthropomorphic behaviours. The study would be developed into a decision process for release selection. Based at Kumasi and Accra Zoos.

Development of Evidence Based Decision Criteria for Re-release of Confiscated Patas Monkeys

Investigation into criteria for selection of a suitable release site including habitat suitability, human perceptions of Patas and existing wildlife populations. Desk based and field survey options possible.

Questionnaire Based Investigation into Drivers for Capture of Patas Monkeys in Ghana

Investigation into criteria for selection of a suitable release site including habitat suitability, human perceptions of Patas and existing wildlife populations. Desk based and field survey options possible.


£6300 for 1 UK and 1 Ghanian Student for 2-3 months


£1200 per keeper for 3 weeks


£1200 per educator for 3 weeks


£4800 for transport of De Brazza Monkey

£2300 per keeper (including flights)


£1200 per keeper for 3 weeks


£2300 per Ghanian keeper for 3 weeks




£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

West African Conservation Action

Protecting endangered primates in Ghana

Please Note: All Costs are indicative because flights, accommodation and other cost fluctuate. All costs will be discussed and agreed with funders, participants and scholars.

Conservation Scholarships

Primate Surveys in Ghana

Primate surveys for White-Naped Mangabey (), White Thighed Colobus () and Roloway Monkey (Cercopithecus roloway) in Ghana. The surveys combine camera traps, audio recording and transect surveys to collection data on primate presence, level of illegal activity and habitat quality. Surveys are February to May or September to November

Keeper Conservation Expeditions

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

Primate Surveys in Ghana

Join our field teams on primate surveys for White-Naped Mangabey, White Thighed Colobus and Roloway Monkey in Ghana. The surveys combine camera traps, audio recording and transect surveys to collection data on primate presence, level of illegal activity and habitat quality.

Education Expeditions

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

Education Trips

Lorem ipsum dolar…

Ex Situ Conservation Projects

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

De Brazza monkey Transportation and Guenon Workshop at Kumasi Zoo

In 2023, a female De Brazza monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus) was confiscated by Wildlife Division at the international border. This animal was transferred to the Kumasi Zoo as it could not be returned to a range country. Zoo and Wildlife Conservation have arranged for Kumasi Zoo to join the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria Ex-Situ Conservation Programme and so a male De Brazza monkey from Europe will be transported to Kumasi Zoo. The De Brazza monkeys will be a model species for the keepers to work with and gain expertise in guenon care as part of our work to with critically endangered Roloway monkey and other guenons found in Ghana. We are looking for funds to pay for the transport of the monkey from Europe to Ghana and for keepers to travel with the monkey and assist with the delivery of a guenon management workshop to be held at Kumasi Zoo which professional across West Africa would be invited to.

Support to Accra and Kumasi Zoos

Zoo professionals will travel to Ghana and work with the staff at Accra and Kumasi Zoos to assist in the care of the animals, provide training, share experiences and deliver welfare and management improvements.

Training for Ghanian Zoo Keepers in Europe

The keeping staff at Accra and Kumasi Zoos would benefit from a period of training and experience at European zoos. This would be combined with attendance at a suitable conference or workshop

Kumassi Zoo Primate Facility Development

WAPCA provides support to the Wildlife Division through staff training, husbandry and welfare advice to Kumasi Zoo. Kumasi Zoo receives primates confiscated by Wildlife Division during their enforcement work, to play a vital educational role to the zoo visitors. The current enclosures for primates require up grading which will allow the expansion of WAPCAs primate Ex-situ programmes. The enclosure design has been used with success in Ghana previously and allows for effective management of the animals in WAPCAs care. The locally available materials used mean that long-term maintenance and repair is achievable. WAPCA has a group of local experienced artisans available to use which may bring the costs down.

Ex Situ Conservation Studentships

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

We have a number of research projects focused on our ex-situ primates held at Accra and Kumasi Zoos. These projects could be suitable for zoo professionals undertaking vocational qualifications (such as the DMZA) or bachelor dissertations as well as post-graduate students.

These projects are also available to self-funding students.

Use of Space and Social Network in White-Naped Mangabey in a Forested Enclosure

Based in Kumasi Zoo, Ghana a population of mangabey living in a large semi-free forested enclosure will be studied to identify habitat use and social behaviour. Focal and scan sampling will be used alongside camera traps. This group is being studied as part of preliminary work investigating the feasibility of reintroduction.

Investigating Mangabey Vocalisation in a Forested Enclosure

Investigating the potential use of vocalisation recording and software analysis to identify behaviours and individuals of reintroduced mangabeys. Initial studies would be undertaken at Accra Zoo where mangabeys are housed in traditional zoo enclosures and Kumasi zoo in a large semi-free forested enclosure but then trials could be undertaken in the field with wild mangabeys.

Investigating the Behaviours of Patas Monkeys Following Confiscation from Wildlife Trade to Assess Suitability for Release

The use of ethograms and other assessment methodologies to determine the suitability of confiscated individuals for reintroduction. This would include social, feeding, avoidance and anthropomorphic behaviours. The study would be developed into a decision process for release selection. Based at Kumasi and Accra Zoos.

Development of Evidence Based Decision Criteria for Re-release of Confiscated Patas Monkeys

Investigation into criteria for selection of a suitable release site including habitat suitability, human perceptions of Patas and existing wildlife populations. Desk based and field survey options possible.

Questionnaire Based Investigation into Drivers for Capture of Patas Monkeys in Ghana

Investigation into criteria for selection of a suitable release site including habitat suitability, human perceptions of Patas and existing wildlife populations. Desk based and field survey options possible.


£6300 for 1 UK and 1 Ghanian Student for 2-3 months


£1200 per keeper for 3 weeks


£1200 per educator for 3 weeks


£4800 for transport of De Brazza Monkey

£2300 per keeper (including flights)


£1200 per keeper for 3 weeks


£2300 per Ghanian keeper for 3 weeks




£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.


£850 for 1 UK student for 3 weeks

Air flight costs from the UK are NOT included.

